In this holy month
Nfhat a good male and reading the Koran and prayer
Must work out so we seek nearness to God in this holy month
Valkhasr than to let this opportunity slip through his hands
There is also our health, which is the month of Ramadan is a good opportunity for the health
Because health is a blessing from God bestowed on us and must be preserved
How can we maintain our health in Ramadan
Please me ....
Fiqh of Health in Ramadan
Ramadan is the month to make God's mercy and forgiveness, and freedom from the fire, and also made him a season of worship in prayer and fasting
And watch and read the Koran and above that which is committed to the ethics of the Muslim Prophet in his food and drink, there is no safeguard
His body, but also obtained in every corner of this health system, the Prophet's pay and reward from God. 1.
1 - hurry breakfast:
He recommended that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to accelerate the breakfast, he said:
"People still do not hurry up the fine-Fitr," agreed.
Beyond that, medical benefits and the effects of physical and psychological health are important to fasting. Fasting person in need to go
Feeling of thirst and hunger. And delays in the breakfast more than low blood sugar and lead to a sense of public land,
Which is unacceptable to torture myself Shari'a .....
- He breaks his fast with fresh dates on or a few dates and water:
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says: "If you let him break the fast pass, it is the pool, did not find the dates on Water, is purifying" Narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi. He chose the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him these foods exclusively to the many health benefits, not only to provide in the desert environment.
Fasting person needs to be a source of Diabetes fast digestion, ward off hunger, as may be in need of water. And faster absorption of food materials that contain sugars unilateral or bilateral. You will not find better than what came by the Sunnah, the fasting person when breaking the fast open Balrdob and water.
. He breaks his fast in two phases:
It is Sunnah Prophet peace be upon him that he was breaking the speed, and hasten the Maghrib prayer, which was provided to complete the food of breaking the fast. In that great wisdom entry of a small amount of food for the stomach and then left without entering the food last longer by a simple warning of the stomach and intestines. And removes at the same time a sense of insatiable lust and gluttony.
. Avoid sleeping after breakfast:
Too much food as we mentioned is a matter of laziness and lethargy and push fast to sleep after breakfast, which deprives the patient from Isha and Taraweeh.
. Do not smoke during Ramadan and at other times:
Smoking affects smokers calamity, he issued a fatwa prohibiting many of the scholars of smoking,
And the Prophet, peace be upon him says: "do no harm." Narrated by Ahmad.
In Ramadan, an opportunity to stop smoking and quit, never to return.
. In suhoor there is a pond:
He recommended that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him suhoor in his famous: "in suhoor there is blessing." Agreed.
There is no doubt that the Sohour - And if you say - are useful in the prevention of headaches or fatigue during the day, and prevent the feeling of thirst.
He urged the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to delay suhoor "still okay hurry up my breakfast and delayed suhur" Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
It is advisable that contain Sohour on easy to digest foods like milk, bread, yogurt, honey, fruits and others.
In the Hadith: The authorized Balala night, so eat and drink until Ibn Umm Maktoum, "agreed.
Keep siwaak in Ramadan:
Bukhari narrated in his Saheeh from Amer bin Rabia, said: "I saw the Prophet peace be upon him Estak, he is fasting, not counted or prepared."
In siwaak many benefits for the safety of the gums and teeth, Modern science has proven that there are eight chemicals in tooth brushing, work in whitening the teeth and strengthen gums and fight bacteria and keep the smell in the mouth .8.
Keep the Taraweeh prayers:
It is the health benefits of prayer as a simple physical exertion regular rhythm, and in particular movements bowing and prostrating. The worshiper pressure on the stomach and intestines, which leads to the revitalization of their proxy, and speed up the process of digestion, then slept away from the Muslim sense of satiety and indigestion. In the light of Muslim prayer in an atmosphere of Ramadan a special feeling comfortable heart, and quiet self, and the dimension of anxiety and nervous tension. In that inner healing of diseases caused by psychological reasons.
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "The fasting person has two joys: a joy when he breaks his fast and a joy when he meets his Lord" Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, .9. Completed
Your work perfectly:
Some people feel lazy and loafing during the day under the pretext of fasting. The truth is that the fast can a little patience to complete its work in the best of Ramadan.
It is narrated in the literary heritage that a blacksmith was working in the afternoon on a hot day of the holy month of Ramadan, and his forehead was sweating and was told: how you can fast and too hot, and arduous work?
He replied: to become aware of the extent of asking him, cheer him what his.
Ask Allah for good health:
Health is a crown on the heads of healthy people but can not see patients. No matter how fast suffered from hunger and thirst, headache, for the reward that God is limited, and remember my brother, that there are sick people pining for the days of Ramadan with them, they can not fast because of disability or illness.
What a great position to stop that Bedouin pilgrims in that wonderful story. The pilgrims came out of a sweltering day gave him food, he said: Ask fed us, they asked but did not find a Bedouin, they brought him He toured among the pilgrims and the Bedouin of this dialogue.
Pilgrims: so we take you to the Bedouin lunch.
Bedouin: I have invited me is I told him you Akram.
Pilgrims: Who is it?
Bedouin: the Almighty God called me to fast I am fasting.
Pilgrims: fast on this day to free.
Bedouin: the silence on most of it free.
Pilgrims: fast stigmatization of tomorrow today.
Bedouin: or guarantee the Prince to live until tomorrow.
Pilgrims: This is not to, but he knew that God.
Bedouin: ask me how urgent it is not a time limit of way.
Pilgrims: It is good food.
Bedouin: God, what Tiba Kbazk Tabakk and wellness, but goodness.
Pilgrims: God, what I've seen like this. Praise be to Allaah, O Bedouin.
And ordered him a prize.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Ramadan, the correct approach to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
5:03 AM
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